The Lumpers. The old Irish variety identified with Ireland for nearly fifty years during the first half of the 1800's. I am the only person to have certified seed of this classic Irish potato. Available in a mix of 6 varieties in an 8 lb. box, postage prepaid sent to you for $40.
green stripe gs
This is a good example of how poorly some the original material was for green stripes.. I have done so much breeding with this gene that it is now very expressive in my developed varieties such as Green Zebra, Vintage Wine, etc.
Green Zebra tomato
In my opinion, the is one of the most recognized tomatoes in the Heirloom trade. Four varieties went into the makeup of the original hybrids and subsequent generations. First introduced in the Tater Mater Seed Catalog in 1983.
SSE Tomato Seed
Varieties of tomatoes directly or indirectly out of the Tater Mater Seed research
Potato Plate
Viva el Sol, Khuchi Akite, Adirondacksen, Azul Larga, Awol Dude, Ozette, Nordic October, Baby Banana, Amey Russet, and Skagit Valley Gold
Certified Potato Plot
Tom in plot of Nordic October, Lumpers, and Skagit Valley Gold. Monroe, WA
Skagit Valley Gold
A yellow-orange fleshed potato. Available to eat or as certified seed. Part o f my breeding work in potatoes.