I have been waiting for this book for over a year. Amy Goldman has done a masterful job growing and describing the "World's Most Beautiful Fruit" and that is the tomato!

Victor Schrager's photo work is just phenomenal as well!

I have much interest in the book since Amy and Victor have captured the art of some of my own creations in tomato breeding. I cannot describe or show pictures better than what Amy Goldman has done in this soon to be classic book on Heirloom Tomatoes.

What are the names of my tomatoes that are cherished varieties and artworks? Simply go to the pages where Green Zebra, Green Sleeves, Banana Legs, Cream Sausage, Brown Flesh, Brown Derby, Schimmeig Stoo, Schimmeig Creg, Chile Verde, Green Grape, Elberta Girl, Lime Green Salad, Casady's Folly and others are presented. Note, too, that many additional varieties have been created by others out of natural crosses and selfing populations of some of my lines.

If you want to know about histories of many heirloom tomatoes and how to use them in recipes; this is your book.

Tom Wagner